100% automated systems based on fire sprinklers, these systems are the most efficient because they do not depend on the human factor for its operation. Before installing an automatic sprinkler system, it is necessary to carry out a risk analysis to determine which is the most suitable system to protect your assets.
At ISCISA we perform the installations of:
1. Wet sprinkler system
2. Dry sprinkler system
3. Deluge system
4. Pre-action system
Sale, installation, and maintenance of approved fire pumps. We also built the pump room under the specifications of the NFPA 20 and the manufacturer. Finally, once the installation of the system is complete, we perform the connection of the motor and elaborate the flow tests.
We make the installation of the following approved pumps:
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Axial suction
- Jockey pumps
We make the installation of bolted tanks to supply water to the fire network complying with the requirements of NFPA 22: "Fire Water Tanks" and FM (Factory Mutual).